Welcome to the Scottish Reformation infopage

This is a student project for the Scotland in Focus Unit for the Scottish Studies Award

Down here is a summary of the Scottish Reformation!

The Scottish reformation occurred from the 1550s, through to its completion in the 1580s. The country went from being Roman Catholic to Protestant, almost overnight. Key figures such as James IV-VI, Mary of Guise, Mary Queen of Scots, John Knox, and Andrew Melville all play roles in this event from both the Catholic and Protestant sides. Primarily, it played out the way it did due to Mary of Guise’s negligence and ignorance of how willing Protestants were to usurp the Catholic churches during her reign before her death in 1560. Soon thereafter, within the following months, Protestantism took over as Scotland’s primary religion. The Catholic churches were made to give their properties to the Protestants, and Presbyteries were introduced. This gave the Kirk much more power, and in response King James VI had the “Black Acts” passed.


Key terms:

The Auld Alliance

An alliance between Scotland and France, dating back to 1295. Auld being the Scottish word for “old” likely being an affectionate term for how long their allyship lasted.


A branch of Protestantism introduced by Martin Luther. The term first appeared in 1519, coined by Luther’s enemies. It’s hard to capture specifically what the Lutheran teachings and theology is, as it was never made entirely clear. (Source: Britannica)


Roman Catholicism is a Christian religion, one of the three major branches. “Broadly, Roman Catholicism differs from other Christian churches and denominations in its beliefs about the sacraments, the roles of the Bible and tradition, the importance of the Virgin Mary and the saints, and the papacy.” (Source: Britannica)


Protestantism is a religious movement, and much like Catholicism it is one of the three major branches. It was created in reaction of Roman Catholic theology and practices.

Lords of the Congregation

“A group of Scottish nobles who pledged their lives to maintain, set forward, and establish the reformed religion in Scotland. Signed by the earls of Argyll, Glencairn, and Morton, Lord Lorne, and Erskine of Dun, this ‘Common Band’ was a protestant response to the increasing domination of Scotland by France during the regency of Mary of Guise.” (Source: oxfordreference)

The Beggars' Summons

The Beggars’ Summons was a letter nailed to the doors of many buildings as a form of protest, it reads as follows: “Ye your selfes ar not ignorant (and thocht ye wald be) it is now (thankes to God) knawen to the haill warlde…that the benignitie or almes of all Christian people perteynis to us allanerly; quhilk ye, being hale of bodye, stark, sturdye, and abill to wyrk…hes thire many yeiris…maist falslie stowin fra us…[we] warne yow, in the name of the grit God, be this publyck wryting, affixt on your yettis quhair ye now dwell, that ye remove fourth of our saidis Hospitales, betuix this and the Feist of Witsunday next, sua that we…may enter and tak posessioun of our said patrimony, and eject yow utterlie fourth of the same.” (Source: Scottish History Society)

Treaty of Edinburgh

A treaty signed that replaced the Auld Alliance. “...the Treaty of Edinburgh (1560), which removed French forces from Scotland.” (Source: Britannica)

Reformation Parliament

A powerful legislative body, working towards Protestant benefit. “The so-called Reformation Parliament that first met in November 1529 was unprecedented; it lasted seven years, enacted 137 statutes (32 of which were of vital importance), and legislated in areas that no medieval Parliament had ever dreamed of entering.” (Source: Britannica)

The Books of Discipline

The first Book of Discipline was written by John Knox. “In the First Book of Discipline (1560), Knox and other ministers proposed a striking social program for the church that would provide education and relief for the poor.” (Source: Britannica) The second Book of Discipline was written by Andrew Melville, and it was his attempt to establish a theocracy. “...in the Second Book of Discipline (1578), that the new church receive all the wealth of the old, that it be run by a hierarchy of courts rather than of bishops, and that the state leave the church alone but be prepared to take advice from it.” (Source: Britannica)


“a person who rules a country for a limited period, because the king or queen is absent or too young, too ill, etc.” (source: Cambridge Dictionary)


“government that is controlled by religious leaders, or a country with such a government” (Source: Cambridge Dictionary)


“Presbytery, in church government, ruling body in Presbyterian churches that consists of the ministers and representative elders from congregations within a given district.” (Source: Britannica)

Kirk Sessions

“Kirk sessions are a court which oversees the local congregation and its parish, and usually consists of elders presided over by a minister. At the district level, the court is called a presbytery.” (Source: Scottish indexes)

The "Black Acts"

The Black Acts were a set of laws enacted in 1587. “These laws limited the authority of the congregation, abolished Presbyteries and established royal supremacy over the Kirk.” (Source: BBC Bitesize)


Who was this site made by?

A student at Fife College, choosing to go by Torrance. Their idea with the creation of a website for this assignment was more of a joke in the beginning, but 10 hours in it seems less of one as they slowly melt into their desk chair.

This website was made in a 36 hour period (though resource and information gathering/note-taking took longer), so it looks pretty scrappy! Thank you to Neocities for hosting, the Stack Overflow forum for having the answers to my questions, and W3schools for, amongst other things, explaining how a navigation bar works.

And an extra thanks to my lecturer; for giving me the handout that I absolutely looked too far into to find the fact a website is an acceptable form of assignment.

The pearl divider is from Chilumitos on tumblr, the background image is from goblin-heart.net/sadgrl